
Just a quick update on a couple things.  We’ve added a December 08 show at 8:40pm so I really hope you guys can come support.  It’s going to be a 4 piece for that one so should be good.  I’m also adding new music in which I debuted Friday night.  I’m on one right now writing several songs at the same time so that’s good.  I’ve got Is what it is and Just my heart on the line debuting on radio all over the world right now so though I’m writing and playing new music I’m still just in the beginning of promoting my current album though the plan is to begin my follow up this summer sometime.  We will see how that goes.  I’ve got some great ones ready to produce!  Gotta run but hope to see all my friends at the Mint on the 8th of December with the usual Viper Room On Nov 25 and State Social House  December 03.